Saturday, August 18, 2012

Whidbey Island

Rode north thru Seattle Thurs. morning. My bike map of Seattle was handy. I crossed the Chittenden locks which are beautiful and not as busy as the Ballard locks. It was a very warm day in Seattle so it was good to
get on Whidbey. When I got off the ferry at Clinton, the time/temp sign said it was 73F.

It seemed much warmer than that while on the road. I had a lot of rolling ups and downs. When I got to Freeland, I was pretty tired but it was only 1330 hrs. I stopped to have a good lunch and rest. I had to make
a decision about staying in Freeland in their one hotel or going another 7 miles to the state campground.
After eating, I picked up a few groceries for breakfast and decided to go to the campground.

Some more ups with only a few downs. I found the campground and of course, the pay station was a the bottom of a hill! Paid $12 to stay in the biker/hiker section, which is near the day use area. Also the camp was a ways away from the restroom.

I made camp and then decided to take a shower, using my water bag with shower attachment. I took a while to find a suitable tree with appropriate broken branch on which to hang the water bag. I brought a small shower scrunchy to use with my liquid soap (Dr. Bonners), as it tends to seep out of you hands if you use it
by itself. I am happily scrubbing away the day's road grime when the scrunchy decides to fly out of my hand and and over the embankment.

My first futile attempt to try to grab the small carbiner with a branch just moved the stupid thing farther down the hill! I ignored it until I finished my shower. I came back with a tent pole which proved to be by second futile attempt at a grab. I looked at the slope, the thorny berry bushes and thought about what I would tell the 911 responders as they rescued me from the embankment. I would tell them I was just trying to retrieve my shower scrunchy and they would laugh uproariously back at the station. There did happen to be a sturdy bush that I could use a hand-hold, so I went after the mischievous scamp. I was able to get it with only a few stickers in my fingers and thorny scrapes on my calves. Stupid scrunchy! I had Blinky give her a talking to when I got back to my campsite!

A cycling couple arrived about 1800 hrs. I went to chat while he was cooking dinner using two stoves. They were smoking a joint and offered my a hit, but I kindly said 'no thanks.' They also came from Seattle today but started farther inland than I had. The guy was hauling a BOB trailer with an Ortlieb waterproof duffle that was about 1.5X the size that would normally go on the trailer. Lots of stuff. The gal was carrying front and rear panniers as well. Interesting folks!

An other pair came into the camp around midnight. Don't know what their story was as they were still in bed when I left around 0800 hrs. The night cooled and I ended up putting the fly over my tent around 2100 hrs.
I was quite cozy under my down bag and slept pretty well.

I took several scenic routes on the way to Deb's. She and Wayne left for his radiation treatment in Seattle and were not expected back until 1330 hrs. I had plenty of time to get to their house, so I cruised. Whidbey in not a flat island, for those who have never been here (especially on bicycle)! I cruised the east side and then crossed to the west side. I arrived at Deb's about 1130 hrs and they were home about ten minutes after me. Fastest trip to Seattle and back they ever made.

Wayne bar-b-qued steaks and Deb invited the neighbors with their 5 week-old infant son (Dalton). It was a great end to a good day. I will stay here until Monday and then head for Mary and Tony's.

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